Day #3164 (Tue., Sept. 4, 2018) – Daddy’s First Day Taking Care Of Bobby
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I was not feeling the best today, coming down with something, but I did manage to take Bobby to Wilson Park near Arnesa’s house this morning. Arnesa is going through withdrawal as she will no longer be taking care of Bobby each day. Arnesa brought Claudia and Ayra and we had a good time. Bobby showed me the various things that he does when he is at the park.
This evening my wife took Katie to piano class while I tended to Bobby. She dropped Katie off afterwards and went to a teacher/parent meeting for Bobby’s class. He will be a fish tomorrow, his first day in 2nd year preschool.
Katie had a headache this evening so I told her to go put a damp facecloth on her forehead and lie down. It didn’t seem to work.
I made the kids some Trader Joe’s O’s and cut up a mango for them. They had one of those sherbert pops that Whole Foods sells just before my wife came home.
Bobby was throwing his Spiderman and Batman dolls off the bed and actually did a somersault off the bed onto the floor after him. I thought he hurt himself, but he was fine.