Day #298 (Thu., Oct. 28, 2010) – Fake Credit Cards
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My wife took a nice walk (stroll) with little Katie this morning. It was +28 C outside. Little Katie is gradually getting back to her “old self”. She was not as fussy today as she has been.

We got a flier in the mail from a department store and it contained three cardboard “copies” of credit cards. I gave them to little Katie to play with and you should have seen her eyes light up. I’m hoping that this is not a sign of how she will react when she gets real credit cards… She enjoyed shuffling them as well as the almost routine “what does this taste like” gesture. After a while, when they became too “ratty” I took them away from her. You can see the “Post Katie” version of one of the cards with the edges “knawed off” in the photo to the right.
I was telling my wife that you can get laminated playing cards (playing cards with a plastic coating). I’m sure little Katie would love to play with them. She will love all the various shapes and pictures, and you could teach her to count from them. Since they are laminated they will not soil easily and therefore last longer. I’m going to have to keep my eyes open for them the next time I go to the store.
There is this little button on one of little Katie’s toys that plays a saxophone. My wife said you can’t believe how many times she hears that sound during the day. Once little Katie pushes it, and sound comes out, once is not enough. It’s push, push, push, push til she gets tired of it (not when we get tired of it).
1) Little Katie loves credit cards (hope not).