Day #473 (Thu., Apr. 21, 2011) – Houston…We Have A Molar
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Dateline 1:30am… Chipmunk…Fussy… Forecast…Bleak… Outcome…Drive… My wife woke me up with Katie in arms. She was very fussy and would not calm down or sleep so we had to go for a drive. We ended up going past the Food Lion where a couple of Canadian Geese used to create a nest for their young (but this has not happened in the past couple of years). We also went past the Wal-Mart that has been the site of another Canada Goose nest and this time we were more successful. We saw the mother next to a broken egg shell. Were the young under her? Probably… All in all, Katie calmed down and when we got home she went to bed.

They let us off early at work today so I got home in time to see our babysitter. Katie was sleeping so we talked about children and stuff.
Katie loves the teddy bear that came with the flower and vase my mother and sister sent me. The photo to the left shows her giving it a hug. She fell and scraped her knee on the pavement. You can clearly see this in the photo as well.
My wife and I took Katie for a walk around the lake near our house this evening. We decided to not take the stroller, but we did take the leash and the pink ball. Katie walked most of the way there, but got tired, so we took turns carrying her the way back home.
While we were walking around the lake Katie said “hat” and pointed to her head. We didn’t see anyone with a hat, but we did see a lady with her hair done up. My wife said that Katie will often say “hat” when she sees a lady with her hair done up on television.
I went to bed and my wife sent me this…
Katie had a full cup of yogurt and then I checked her teeth and found a new molar! So now she has 9 teeth, more to come… Soon she’ll be able to chew everything she wants!
1) Katie has a new molar.