Day #488 (Fri., May 6, 2011) – New Raincoat And Rainboots
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For the past few nights Katie has been getting up in the middle of the night. She has to watch a bit of television and play a bit before she gets tired enough to put her back to bed.

Last night was different. She went to bed at 11:30pm and slept all the way through to 5:30am. She then ate quickly and fell asleep again right away, and got up at 8:45am. This is really good for my wife as she is able to get a full night’s rest and is more rested to tackle the duties of chipmunk chasing during the day…
It’s interesting how we know when Katie is up from her nap. Oftentimes we hear her stuff dropping onto the floor as she throws them out of the crib.
My wife was planning on meeting a fellow student (who has a 7 month old baby) today, but it was raining so that got canceled. My wife ended up taking Katie out onto the patio to play in her new raincoat and rain boots (see photo to the right).
It is interesting to see Katie with her new rainboots. She is almost afraid of them. My wife told me that she started to cry the first time she saw them. Who know why? Perhaps because they are sooo big and sooo yellow and sooo shiney.
1) Katie has a new raincoat and rainboots.