Day #520 (Tue., June 7, 2011) – Katie’s First Carousel Ride

I got this email from 2am this morning…

It’s been 1.5 hours since chipmunk starting waking me up crying – she did it for about 4-5 times already and is still asleep! I wish I could get some sleep too. It seems that as soon as I start falling asleep, Katie cries and wakes me up again.. 🙁

Katie is up. She is saying “home” quite a bit this morning. Yesterday as we were driving I said “Do you want to go to the park or go home”? This was the first time I heard her say “home” and this morning she is continuing to say it.

I went to Trader Joe’s for supplies today. Organic strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, and green beans. 3 quarts of Goat’s Milk. The usual stuff.

This evening my wife wanted to go shopping for clothes for Katie so we all drove to the mall. While my wife shopped I took care of Katie. We spent most of the time around the carousel. In a nutshell:

1) We went to the children’s play area. When Katie kept chasing a ball that belonged to another girl I figured I had better get her one. I ended up paying $1 for a punching balloon at the carousel ticket booth. She would chase it and when get got close accidentally kick it and chase it some more. This kept her entertained for quite a while.

2011-06-07 - Candy Machines
2011-06-07 - Candy Machines

2) I showed Katie how to check for bubble gum in the machines (see photo to the left). I knew that she would enjoy opening and closing the doors. No luck in getting any gum (which is good).

3) She would wander around Sears and various other shops examining the clothes (and especially the mannequins).

When my wife was done shopping we met at the carousel and decided to take Katie for her first carousel ride. It cost $1.75 (1 child price) for the trip. All three of us sat in the booth. We were amazed that she didn’t cry or try to get away. This kid is fearless…

8:43pm – Katie is feeding herself yogurt with a spoon right now.

1) Katie had her first carousel ride today.