Day #560 (Sun., July 17, 2011) – Katie’s First Flat Tire
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Today is the day of the big consignment sale. My wife has been looking forward to this for weeks…and now it is here. I’m taking care of Katie while she is away…
A friend of mine from Chapel Hill is coming over today so I’ve been frantically trying to get the place cleaned up to get it more respectable. Unfortunately Katie has been throwing pieces of apricot around the house and emptying buckets of toys all over the living room so I can’t exactly say that she has been helping daddy.
My friend loves his Breugger’s coffee but today he can also have as much of Gevalia as he likes. I got my new Gevalia coffee machine in the mail on Friday.
My wife arrived home around noon with a stash of stuff. Clothes for Katie and a few toys as well.

This afternoon my wife wanted to work so I took Katie out by myself. We decided to go to the same gardens we went to yesterday. Katie was in collecting mode again, but I took her pail with her this time so it was a bit easier for her to assemble stuff and bring it back to the park bench. She was attracted to the the waterfall as soon as we entered the gardens but I steered her away from it…she wants to climb into the water to see the “fishes”…
Remember that tree I mentioned she liked to hug? Well, we found so acorns near the base of it so she has some more “stuff” for her bucket (see photo to the right).
As we were leaving the gardens a guy mentioned to me that one of my tires was near flat. As a result I pulled over to the side of the road and called AAA. They arrived in short order and I drove home…not a big deal really. Katie seemed amused by the new activity.
1) Katie experiences her first flat tire.