Day #569 (Tue., July 26, 2011) – Running Around The House Screaming
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We have a leak in our roof so the roofers came at 7am to see what the problem was. I told them to be quiet as my wife and baby would be sleeping…but they were up by the time they arrived.
For some reason Katie has taken to running around the house screaming. Not sure what that’s all about…but I sure hope it is a phase that ends soon…

This evening we went to Jason’s Deli for dinner then to Frankie’s (a local amusement park) to see the sites (see photo to the right). Katie liked looking at the bumper cars the most.
When we got home it was time for Katie to have a bath, eat, and go to bed. When I was trying to find something for her to watch while she ate she did her Amy Winehouse impersonation. I put on Seinfeld and she said “No, No, No” (one of her favorite sayings these days)… Not in “They want to send me to rehab”, but “I don’t want that show”.
When I put on Lawrence Welk she said “boat” (there was one…on their Hawaiian Special). I “patched” one for her the other day. I think all those “flash cards” we are making is really helping her to learn how to spell and understand words and images.
1) Katie loved the bumper cars at Frankie’s.