Day #603 (Mon., Aug 29, 2011) – New BabySitter?
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I cleaned up the boxes and belongings and stuff near our bed today. Katie has started to rummage around and take things out of them so it’s time to get them organized. Nice to get that done. The only problem is that now Katie can reach the drawers on the charging station near the bed…always something to secure with “chipmunk” around.

Katie figured out how to organize her little people into the stairs off the dollhouse (see photo to the right).
We interviewed a new babysitter this afternoon. My mother-in-law is going back to Lithuania soon so we will need someone to mind Katie while my wife is finishing off her PhD.
Katie was real tired this afternoon and started rubbing her eyes. She said “tired”…so that is another word to add to her vocabulary.
Katie has really taken to her new game…bouncing on the bed and falling on her behind. This evening she got a bit too energetic and bounced and fell off the mattress and hit her face. Our mats broke a lot of her fall. A bit of a cry and soon she was back to watching “Oswald”. Hopefully she won’t try that again.
1) Katie fell off the mattress and hit her face today. Maybe she learned her lesson?