Day #643 (Sat., Oct 8, 2011) – More Stickers

2011-10-08 - Turkey In The Straw
2011-10-08 - Turkey In The Straw

Another Skype session with my mother this morning. We had an episode of Lawrence Welk on the TV called “Down On The Farm” and Bobby and Sissy were dancing to “Turkey In The Straw“. Katie decided that she would dance along and we got such a kick out of it (see photo to the right). She would watch the tv and see the moves and try to do them. Gotta love all that “high stepping”.

We are out of stickers and Katie often says “tick”…which means that she wants some, so I got some at the Dollar Store today. I had to go there and get some “bungee cords” to hold lumber in my garage lumber rack anyway. I ended up getting a lot of stuff. 5 packages of stickers (so we don’t run out again), a little pumpkin lantern (that operates off batteries), some Thanksgiving “window clings” (vinyl stickers for windows basically).

I taped “River Dance in Beijing” on our TiVo this afternoon. Katie loves the high step dancing, but would say “drum” quite a bit too so I had to point out the drums to her.

1) Katie sure loves dancing to “Turkey In The Straw”.