Day #1887 (Thu., Mar. 5, 2015) – Black Cat Bank
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I’m working from home today so that I can keep an eye on my wife. If her blood pressure spikes again I want to be here so that I can drive her to the emergency room. I had a 9am conference call so unfortunately she had to drive Katie to work.
We were supposed to have a fundraiser at Glenwood School this evening so that we could meet some of the people involved with the Mandarin Program at Katie’s possible future school. With snow and freezing ice on the way that was not to be. Looks like it will be rescheduled for a week or so. With little Bobby on the way next Wednesday it is very possible we will not be able to make it.
When Nikki dropped Katie off this evening she also dropped off a “high tech” kind of black cat bank (see photo to the right). I think Katie will be more interested in the withdrawal part rather than the deposit part of the equation.
Katie is back into watching “Ruby Gloom” on Netflix. I guess she watched it with Nikki this afternoon and you know how much she loves Halloween type shows. I took some videos of her this evening and tried to get her to talk about little Bobby and how much she is waiting for him to come (which she is). Unfortunately she was in more of a silly mood and wanted to jump around and laugh rather than be serious about how great a big sister she will be.
1) We were supposed to have a fundraiser for the Mandarin Program at Katie’s (hopefully) future school this evening. It was cancelled due to the snow and ice forecast.