Day #2004 (Tue., June 30, 2015) – Walking Backwards
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I took Katie to Chapel Hill Gymnastics again this morning. She bounded into the gym…what a delight. I remember when we brought her last year and she cried and cried. She seems to be adjusting to new crowds and new events so much better as she gets older.
The photo to the left shows “The Pit” area of the gym that Katie likes so much. She really liked jumping into the pit at the gymnastics camp for MacKenzie’s birthday.
I picked Katie up again at noon today. She told me that she was scared of falling down but she managed to walk backwards on the balance beam. It was the little one, but I told her that is the way that we learn. We try small changes and then adjust until we can do the same thing up higher. I am very proud of Katie for trying new things and “giving it a go” as they say in Australia.
On the way home from gymnastics camp we stopped off at the pool to get a form to fill out for Katie’s private swimming lessons with Miss Barbara tomorrow.
Helen came to play with Katie this afternoon and Katie is just not herself. She had three tantrums:
- One before I came home
- One while I was there where Katie did not want to give Helen one of the magnetic pieces she wanted
- One when Brian came by to pick Katie up
We think it is this gymnastics class that is getting to her. She enjoys it…but it is taking a lot out of her. It’s not as effortless for her as Art Camp is.
Little Bobby is, well, little Bobby. He’s happy and smiling unless he is hungry or tired…then watch out. The crying will ring the rafters! This evening he weighed in at: 17 lbs 14.5 oz (8120 g).