Day #192 (Wed., July 14, 2010) – Little Katie’s “Whoo”
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3:37am – All three of us are up right now. Wife and child are having a meal…I’m updating this blog.

I wanted to take the time to show one of little Katie’s favorite toys on the Activity Station. It is the piano inserted into the table, as shown in the photo to the right. The key to this instrument is the little book shown at the top of the photo. As you turn the various pages the piano will transform accordingly. One page will allow you to play various notes every time you click on a piano key. Another page will allow you to play a melody via the piano keys. Yet another page will permit you to play a funny little sound.
This evening I was working on the laptop in the bedroom when my wife brought little Katie in. I didn’t notice that little Katie was with her til she sat her down on the bed next to me. She was rather quiet and in her “thinking and starring” mode. When I looked down at her she was starring at me and gave out a “whooo” sound… Sometimes you wonder just what she was thinking.
1) Little Katie is becoming more and more aware of the world around her.