Day #214 (Thu., Aug 5, 2010) – Thunder and Lightning
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1:36am – It is thunder and lightning like crazy outside right now. You would think that little Katie would be up and screaming at all the noise, but she is sleeping like, well, a baby…

2:30am – Both my wife and I are up now. We can’t sleep through all this noise. Little Katie of course has no problem.
My wife and I were talking about how little Katie won’t stay on her back when you put her down any more. She will roll over to her tummy in short order. Long gone are the days when she had to do her tummy time and would scream because of it.
The photo to the left shows a finger puppet glove that little Katie loves. She started off by having a particular interest in Noah (on the far right), but has developed a fondness to stick each and every one of the animals into her mouth as well.
When I got home from work this evening the lights were out. The powerful thunder and lightning storm had done it’s job well. Little Katie didn’t know what was going on. Who are all these funny people walking around in the dark shining bright lights (i.e.: flashlights) in my face? Why don’t these strange people just turn the lights on…
1) Little Katie can sleep through thunder and lightning.