Day #225 (Mon., Aug 16, 2010) – Fruits “Yes”, Veggies “Not So Much”…
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5:36am and I am up. Can’t sleep. Going to get ready and go to work.

When I got home from work little Katie was sleeping. My wife told me that she was in “sleep mode” today. It’s nice to be a baby and be able to sleep whenever you want.
Little Katie is also in the process of investigating the strength of her vocal chords. She will screech in this high-pitched “squeal” and then look at you with mouth open and investigative eyes to see what you think. Was that loud enough? Do I have your attention now?
Take a look at the little plush bug in the photo to the right. Little Katie really enjoys this little toy as there are plenty of little sections to suck on. The blue antenna and label are particular favorites…
Little Katie has figured out that certain things you feed her are better than others. She will timidly taste the first bite and act accordingly. If it is veggies she will purse her lips. If it is veggies she will lean forward with “mouth wide open”.
1) Little Katie has learned to differentiate the foods you feed her.