Day #3465 (Tue., Jul 2, 2019) – Off To Guenther’s Place

When I woke up this morning the kids were already up. I asked Katie where Bobby was and she said he was out front playing. Well, he was not. I asked Katie to go over to Guenther’s place to see if he was there, but she came back reporting that the lights were out. I asked her to go and check Lucy’s place. When she came back and said that he was not there I started to get worried. I went outside and yelled yet again for Bobby and Steven said that he was in their house. Well, I went over to their house and told them that Bobby has a habit of leaving without permission. From now on if he shows up they are to text us to see if he is permitted to come and play with their kids. Will it work? Let’s see…

Today was Katie’s choice for what to do. She wanted to go bike riding so we went out to Southern Village. I got some Rosemary Fries at Al’s Burger Shack on the way (see photo to the right). Katie and I enjoyed them…Bobby not so much. He did enjoy three squishy yogurt’s from Trader Joe’s though.

It was hot, so there was no problem putting Bobby to bed for his nap this afternoon.

My wife took Katie to her new piano teacher, who is from Hong Kong, this evening.

I went to Trader Joe’s for milk and butter and a dozen ears of corn.