Day #277 (Thu., Oct. 7, 2010) – The Chocolate Bar Wrapper
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My wife tells me that little Katie is very sad when I leave for work. Perhaps she is aware that daddy is going away…even if only for a while?

The photo to the left shows some of little Katie’s dresses. She is wearing the one on the left now, and we think that she will be wearing the other two next summer. Who knows…the way that our little weed is growing…
My wife sent me an email describing her day:
After nap we went for a stroll – it was a wonderful day. We met geese, ducks, a few dogs. I thought Katie would like seeing the playground, so we went to the pool. Sadly, the tennis court is being paved and the smell there was horrible, so we had to go back. I did take Katie out for a few minutes and tried out the slide.
After the second nap the weather was still nice, so I put Katie in the playpen on the porch, gave her a few toys and books, covered the playyard with the mosquito net, and Katie happily played there for 50 minutes. Then she got hungry, so I heated up the sweet potatoes. For some reason she refused to open her mouth for 15 minutes. No toys helped… Then suddenly she started eating and ate it all… Go figure. After dinner she spent about 40 more minutes on the porch. Lots of fresh air for the wild chipmunk!
This evening I heard a crunching sound coming from the playyard. Little Katie had managed to grab an empty chocolate bar wrapper from outside the playyard. It was made of foil so it made a crunching sound as she explored its contours. It had a pretty design with loads of colors so it obviously caught her eye. You have to be on a constant vigil with her these days…you never know what she is going to get into…
1) You have to watch little Katie more and more these days.