Day #762 (Sat., Feb. 4, 2012) – Enter the “Play Doh”
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My wife and I took Katie out this morning so I could put some finishing touches on the baby doll crib. They weren’t gone for long…but I managed to sand it down and put a coat of clear lacquer on it. It won’t be long now…
My wife and I were talking this morning about how Katie seems to have outgrown certain toys and would be more entertained by others. So, she went through her toy box this afternoon and took some stuff to the garage and brought others toys back. One of the things she brought up was some Play Doh. Let the festivities begin!

Katie seems obsessed with the Play Doh (see photo to the right) this time. The last time we showed it to her she wanted to eat it so we had to take it away. This time was different. She obsessively played with it all day and would not let my wife and I get away from it either. “Come and Play”…”Come And See”…and at end of the line was the Play Doh. Jumperoo…Patches…could Play Doh be next?
12:15am (Sunday Morning Actually) … I just put Katie to bed. She has gotten into the habit of taking things to the crib with her. Last night was a bowl of cheerios and raisins. Tonight she wanted to take her play doh and bag of foam sheets (that I got at the Dollar Store this week). She also took some Play Doh and a little pencil like tool that I was using to make indentations in the Doh…I took them away from her (perhaps too dangerous and too much of a mess).
1) Katie is sure into her Play Doh.