Day #1421 (Sun., Nov. 24, 2013) – Five Below
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We decided that we would have lunch at Moe’s and go to the “Five Below” store afterwards. Katie sure loves those Moe’s burrito wraps and ate quite a bit of mine. After eating she took me by the hand and walked up to a nearby booth. She wanted to say hi to the little Asian girl who was sitting in the booth. We made our introductions and the mother of the child was very touched. I think I will get Katie going on business calls with me when she gets a bit older. It can’t hurt for her to get some experience in sales.
At Five Below we over bought…of course. The main reason for coming is that Katie has been mentioning a desire for cotton candy. I happened to see it being sold in the store the other day so off we went. Not only did we get cotton candy, but we came across a number of books that we think Katie will enjoy (see photo to the left). We plan to give them to her for Christmas.
This evening my wife ordered about $50 worth of Scholastic Books online…the first time she has done so.
Katie was in a particularly wild mood this evening…perhaps from all the sugar and chocolate she has been eating as of late.
1) Katie loves to try on sunglasses at stores like FiveBelow.