Day #2020 (Thu., July 16, 2015) – Child’s Small Workbench

I dropped Katie off at Miss Laura’s house this morning. When I picked her up at noon to take her to the Carborro Art Camp she said she wanted to have a play date with Violet this afternoon. She was upset when I told her that I had to take her to Art Camp and talked about the potential play date with Violet all the way. I told her that she would need to talk to her mother about it as she is performing her role as “social secretary”.

2015-07-16 - Workbench & ChestAt noon today I drove over to our neighbor Jack’s house. He makes birdhouses out of old shingles. Anyway, he was cleaning up his garage and left two items out at the end of his driveway. One was a small child’s workbench and the other was a small wooden box (which I think will be perfect for Katie’s books or small animals). You can see the photo to the left.

When I got home from work Patricia and Gunther came over to play in the pool. Ginger was running around…I guess their electronic dog fence is still not working.

I’ve been putting Katie to bed as of late. She is still into coloring a few pages in her animal coloring book and then naming the animals when we are done.

The owl night light is great…but Katie cannot find it in the middle of the night. We need some sort of a “clapper” so that she can just clap and the lights will go on in her bedroom.