Day #3809 (Wed., Jun 10, 2020) – Ordering Sea Monkeys
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Daddy got a new coffee grinder today. I am not a real coffee connauisseur, but do appreciate a good fresh cup of coffee. With the lock-down it’s not as easy to go and get a fresh cup anymore, so I will make them at home.
New huge floats for the pool came this afternoon. Thank you Amazon!
We ordered the Sea Monkeys on Mars kit this evening (see photo to the left). I took Katie to the computer in the bedroom and we examined the various kits. She chose this kit as it was the same price and had some areas for the monkeys to swim around.
We also ordered an RC boat for Bobby. We figure that he will be able to play with it in the pool.
I made stir fry this evening… Delish!
Katie was sick this evening. We think it might have been the carrots and hummus that she ate.