Day #772 (Tue., Feb. 14, 2012) – Play Doh Bakery
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Valentine’s Day today. I gave my wife a box of dark chocolates. She gave me a letter organizer for my letters and such…a great gift when you are trying to maximize the most of the minimum of space that you have to work with.
Katie is starting to be much more enthusiastic when I get home.
When I got home from work this evening there were three packages at the door. One of them contained more Play Doh for Katie and some “bakery tools” (see photo to the right) to manipulate it. Basically there was a pizza cutter and a rolling pin and other various implements so that you could make various shapes out of the dough. Katie especially likes to make long snakes out of the Play Doh.
1) Katie got some Plah Doh bakery tools today.