Day #926 (Tue., July 17, 2012) – The Friction Car
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When I got home from work this evening I gave Katie one of the “Special Presents” that I got her the other day at the Dollar Store. It was called a friction car and you rubbed the wheels on a rough surface (like a carpet) to engage the springs. When you let go of it…voila, it would run along the floor. One of the wheels would come off after each run so you had to fasten it back into place…but what can you expect for a dollar?

Later on in the evening I gave her another “Special Present”. This time it was a “Hawaiian Lei” of plastic flowers (see photo to the left). I thought she would really love it but when I put it around her neck she took ahold of it and threw it across the room. Oh well, guess you can’t pick out great presents every time.
I was telling my wife that when Katie grows up if we go forward with our plan to have her go to the Dollar Store every week and pick out her own “Special Present” we will have to have an assortment in the house to protect ourselves against just this sort of thing. I remember getting toys at the store when I was growing up and them not working when I got home. If we have an assortment of other “Special Presents” around the house we can give her one if the one she chose doesn’t work. Just a thought…
1) Katie didn’t really take to the Hawaiian Lei of plastic flowers I gave her this evening.