Day #970 (Thu., Aug. 30, 2012) – Dowels For Katie’s Pounding Toy
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Remember me mentioning that I was creating two new dowels for Katie’s pounding toy? Well, I’ve dipped them in white paint and this has made their girth larger now…so large in fact that they are too big for the holes in the toy. Guess that I will have to “whittle” them down a bit so that they will fit.
We are having a home inspection tomorrow so I drove out to the house in Cary to take care of a few things. On the way there I stopped off at the Dollar Store and picked up some items. This included a nice bag of larger balloons for Katie. I remembered how much she enjoyed the last package I got her.

My wife dropped me an email on the night that they had:
It’s 9:40 pm and Katie is playing in bed, hopefully will sleep soon. I wanted to tell you a bit about our night. We did a new puzzle, walked on the beam, built a long long animal train (see photo to the left), and then went to the office where Katie requested the Andre Rieu concert. We danced and danced, then she brought the step stool, shut the lights off and we danced in the dark… Katie asked to put laptop on the floor so that she can see it better. Oh, and she wanted me to bring the guitar to play together…
When I got home I found this “train” of animals (see photo to the left). I actually stepped on it in the dark…didn’t want to turn the lights on in case I might happen to wake anyone.
1) I’m gradually finishing off the dowels for Katie’s pounding toy.