Day #2337 (Sat., May 28, 2016) – Nikki’s Special Visit

2016-05-28 - Art WorkI took over for my wife this morning so that she could have a nap. We started off by both Katie and Bobby and daddy coloring and doodling together (see photo to the left).

Bobby was very energetic. He wanted to go outside but my leg was bothering me so I buckled him in Katie’s car seat and Katie sat next to him to watch over him. I then drove the car back and forth in the driveway. Bobby was fascinated with the process and loved getting behind the wheel and trying out all the buttons.

Katie was very excited as she knew a present was coming but did not know what. When she finally saw Nikki she screamed with delight. Nikki took her to the aquarium in Greensboro and Katie bought a panda bear in the gift shop. On the way home they stopped off at an Italian Restaurant so Katie could have some spaghetti and a sundae for dessert.

I spent over 3 hours in Best Buy this afternoon getting a backup rear view mirror installed in the Honda van. What a job. I studied some VBScripting YouTube videos while I waited. Glad I don’t have to do this every week.

Since Katie is still away I went to see a movie on the way home. A treat for daddy… “X-Men Appocalypse”. Alas, I did nod off during some of it…seems to be a common activity these days when the lights dim down…