Day #284 (Thu., Oct. 14, 2010) – Roaming The Nursery
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When I got home this evening my wife was in the nursery with little Katie. She let little Katie roam around on the floor. She really liked it…I think that she felt she was “free”…

It’s amazing how much power little Katie has to “throw” things out of her way. It used to be that if she wanted to get somewhere, and there was an obstacle in the way, she would try to crawl over it (with varying levels of success). Now a days she just sweeps them aside with one fell swoop of her arm. What power she has…the stuff just goes flying.
The photo to the right shows the latest toy to hold little Katie’s fascination. She can’t quite work the knobs to the far right just yet, but she sure can work the left-hand button. She will push the head of the little chick down til it clicks into the box, and then push the blue button so it can spring back out again.
Little Katie is still not behaving “normally” … if that is the word. She’s still teething and sucking on anything in sight. She’s drooling like mad.
7:20pm – Little Katie is in her high chair eating right now. She often looks over at me on the recliner with that “Daddy look at me” expression. We just finished doing “whoooooo” back and forth at each other.
1) Little Katie loves to roam the nursery.