Day #348 (Fri., Dec. 17, 2010) – The Moe’s Ritual
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This evening we went to Moe’s for dinner. This is gradually becoming a Friday night family ritual. On Friday’s they have a Joey Jr. Burrito, Chips & Salsa, and a Soft Drink for $5.00 Quite the deal. Little Katie gets to much on as many straws and plastic salsa cups as she wants. Of course these usually end up on the floor surrounding the high chair. Chipmunk droppings if you will.

The usual ritual at Moe’s is that I will get the high chair and after we put her in it, my wife will start to feed little Katie while I get in line to get two of the daily specials. Tonight, after I put the food on the table and went back to get the drinks little Katie cried and screamed (and I was only a few feet away). She doesn’t want me to leave her side. Perhaps this is due to the fact that I leave for work in the mornings and don’t show up again til the end of the day. All little Katie knows is that I’m “gone”…
1) Little Katie screamed and cried when I left to get drinks at Moe’s this evening.