Day #596 (Mon., Aug 22, 2011) – Katie The “Upside Down Cake”
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Katie is very wild and strange today. She can’t seem to stay focused on any one thing and bounces from this to that. My wife has a deadline to meet and since it doesn’t help the situation if Katie doesn’t get her “daddy time” I took her to the bedroom to watch “Oswald”. My wife said you should see the contentment on her face… Nirvana…

Katie is really into stickers these days. She calls them “tick”. The photo to the left shows some “restickable” ones that I got from the Dollar Store the other day. The glue on the back is not extremely adhesive…so you can take them off and put them on something else if you so choose.
My wife was going through a magazine article on what to expect from pre-school. It said that your child may be asked to actually hold a book and turn the pages. Katie has been doing that for months now. It’s hard to judge why she loves her books so…she just does…
7:45pm – Our wild child just got up from her nap. She is going to bed for her nap and getting up so late these days that we can’t take her out to the park for a run. This only helps to add to her “wildness”.
I was playing with Katie this evening and grabbed her and turned her upside down. I said “Are You An Upside Down Cake”? She sure loves to wrestle and be “tossed about”.
1) Katie loves to play “Upside Down Cake”.