Day #791 (Sun., Mar. 4, 2012) – A New Stove?
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The Real Estate Agent for our Cary house said that we should purchase a white stove for our townhouse so that it matches the other appliances. We’ve been doing some investigation on that this morning.
My wife took Katie out for a walk today while I dealt with our tax returns. Katie came back and immediately rushed into the bedroom with a stick to show me.
1:30pm – Katie just went to bed for her nap.

When Katie got up for her nap she brought a piece of bread in to me. I said that turtle (this little plastic bath toy she plays with) wants some bread as well, so they shared the piece of bread together.
This evening my wife and I took Katie to Home Depot then to Lowe’s (see photo to the right) to look for a white stove. They didn’t have a suitable on in stock so my wife decided that she would purchase one from Lowe’s online. She ordered it this evening…it will be here in early April…in time for the showing of our house in Cary.
1) Katie loved running around Lowe’s and Home Depot this evening.