Day #1107 (Mon., Jan. 14, 2013) – Playing With Water

Katie is really into playing with the water in the bathroom sink these days. She will take tubs of her plastic animals down to the sink to give them a bath. Trouble is we have to keep an eye on her. As she doesn’t always turn off the water but lets it run it could cause a real overflow issue. The sink is not draining properly so I will probably have to stop off at the hardware store tomorrow to get some Liquid Plumber or a snake to clean it out.

I stopped off at Moe’s on the way home from work this evening. Monday evening is their “Joey Burrito” Special. It comes with chips and a drink so I picked up a free lemonade. Katie got into it this evening and you should have seen her eyes light up. She keep sipping and sipping on it. Why not…it’s practically pure sugar.

2013-01-14 - Wind Up Insect
2013-01-14 – Wind Up Insect

I gave Katie a special present this evening, a “wind up insect” I got at the Dollar Store a while back. You can see a photo of it to the right.

The episode of Caillou we were watching this evening showed Caillou feeding a horse some carrots. Of course as soon as Katie saw this she wanted to have some carrots of her own. Off to the kitchen she went.

1) Katie loves to play with water in the bathroom sink…we’re going to have to keep an eye on her.