Day #1386 (Sun., Oct. 20, 2013) – Carving Pumpkins
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This afternoon Katie and I (mostly “I”) carved out a witch on the second pumpkin (see photo to the left). I also retouched the eyes on the vampire pumpkin we made yesterday…the light was not shining through them enough. Soon the witch pumpkin was out at the end of our driveway to greet the Trick-Or-Treaters.
My wife spent all day cleaning up the house and today it looks like a bomb hit the living room. Katie strikes again!
This evening we took Katie for a drive to see the Halloween decorations. We ended up at Southern Village where we saw the old standby decorations we have come to expect. We also drove by Tom’s place to see if there were any Halloween decorations out…Nadda…
When we got home from our drive Katie got out the gophers game where you hit them on the head with a hammer. She had been talking about this on the drive home but we didn’t understand what she was talking about.
1) Katie and I carved a Witch Pumpkin today.