Day #1648 (Wed., July 9, 2014) – Hay Maze
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Katie is getting much better at her crafts as you can see in the photo to the right.
At Spencer’s Farm today Katie got to play in a hay maze that they set up. John, the camp instructor, pretended that he was being eaten by a maze monster and Katie rescued him. She was in her glory.
Katie also said that she got to pat a snake today. It sounds like someone found this snake somewhere near the Eno River. At any rate, Katie was rather chatty tonight about Spence’s Farm. She usually will respond with “I don’t know” when I ask her about her day.
We found out the name of Katie’s friend at Spence’s Farm. Her name is Marisol…but Katie can’t pronounce it properly. She calls her Carousel.
We had an IT Retreat at Ferrington Village today so I didn’t get home til late. When I did get home I was so tired that I slept on the couch. Katie took great joy in bringing me a blanket to keep me warm.
1) Katie saved John from the Maze Monster today.