Day #2210 (Fri., Jan 22, 2016) – Let It Snow…

They closed down the office buildings at work due to the coming snowstorm so I ended up working from home today. When I got up this morning there was already a dusting of snow on the ground. Washington DC is expected to have the worst storm in about 100 years…they are forecasting almost two feet…

2016-01-22 - Three Kids In SnowWith everyone trapped in our little mountain community parents were more than happy to send their kids over to our house to play with Katie. My wife sent out an invite to the various parents of children in the community. Wyatt came over first (we are trying to help his mom out as much as possible as she just had a new baby) and then Gabby later on in the day (see photo to the left). Genevieve brought Gunther over to say hi but they didn’t stay long.

Izzy came over in the afternoon for about three hours to take care of little Bobby.

It’s to the stage now that I cannot sit in the LazyBoy, I have to get on the ground if little Bobby is around. If I don’t he will crawl (if you can call it that) over to me and tug on my pant leg til I do.

Little Bobby has figured out how to work the “pause” button on the remote control to the television. On goes the show, then pause goes the show…