Day #2213 (Mon., Jan 25, 2016) – Soldier Crawl

2016-01-25 - Open Shut GatorThe photo to the left shows the gator toy that little Bobby loves. He loves to open and shut the door and take toys out. It’s amazing how many things around our house that have the gator theme…even little Bobby’s diaper holder has a gator face on it.

School was cancelled for Katie this morning due to all the ice and snow at Glenwood so I got a chance to sleep in and go to work a bit later.

Little Bobby was playing with a little red ball on the carpet today when it got away from him. His desire for it necessitated a soldier crawl and there it was…right in front of my eyes. This was the first time that I personally had seen such a distinct one. The next step will be crawling and once he gets up and walking look out world.

Kasey is eager to come back to work but we are a bit leery of having her take care of little Bobby when both my wife and I are away. A concussion and separated shoulder are rather serious injuries and unlike Katie little Bobby will be unable to take care of himself if something should happen.