Day #2431 (Tue., Aug 30, 2016) – Taking Helen To School

I took Katie to school this morning. The first time I took her to school when she was a “1st Grader”. We picked up Helen along the way. Helen mentioned that grown-ups use money for important things like “garbage cans”? I said that there is nothing more important than cotton candy is there? This started a whole silly conversation about trains full of cotton candy and clouds made of cotton candy. Both Katie and Helen were laughing about and having a great time. I wanted to see them start there day off with a smile…

2016-08-30 - Road WorkBobby enjoys trucks and tractors and the like so he was in “heaven” with what he saw on our street today (see photo to the left).

We had Brittany come over for an interview this evening. We need someone to pick Katie up from school on Wednesdays. She is a UNC student who switched from psychology to journalism. She is from New Bern originally and works part-time at Spanky’s restaurant as well.

Katie was very fussy during the interview. She wanted my wife to hold her and acted up even after we told her to stop. We mentioned to her that Brittany was going to run away from us rather than offering to help us out. We think that the combination of not eating dinner and the excitement of starting school again is taking it’s toll on her.

Bobby can get up on the bed now “almost” by himself. You just have to hold his hand and he knows how to put his hands and feet in the right position to get up. He’s fascinated with seat belts these days. Both on his high chair and on the car seat. You can see him trying to figure out how they work. Hopefully he won’t figure how to get out of them just yet…