Day #2467 (Wed., Oct. 5, 2016) – Bobby Gets It
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One of our nanny’s, Carly, who picks Katie up from school sometimes, got a full time position as a medical scribe in NC Ear/Nose/Throat hospital. As a result she will be leaving us in two weeks. We will be sad to see her go but we realize it is a good move for her.
It looks like we will be hosting the Halloween party this year as nobody else in our neighborhood has offered to host it. It kind of feels like we’re the “Little Red Hen” sometimes…
The photo to the left shows a mangled “Shopkins”…one of Katie’s toys. We thought it might be Bobby who chewed on it but the more likely culprit is Ginger.
Tonight was the night of the Spaghetti Dinner at Katie’s preschool. I was invited out to dinner by some workmates so I didn’t attend. My wife took both Katie and Bobby. Katie ate practically nothing and spent a lot of time playing with Eleri (a hum…let me clear my throat). Bobby was like a deer in the headlights at first. He just stared. After he got to sit at the table and have a bit of spaghetti he had analyzed the situation enough and he was off. He ran and ran down the hallway dashing in and out of the various classrooms and even sat in a wheelchair. I’m afraid our future with him is crystal clear…he is mirroring Ben, Matthew’s son. Matthew is the dad of Katie’s preschool classmate Luke.
An interesting this happened this evening. My wife was lying down on the bed and Bobby came along and bit her big toe. I said in a stern voice “Bobby don’t do that”. You should have seen his eyes as he looked at me and diverted them many times. He was shocked and didn’t know how to react. I told him to come see daddy and he did. I picked him up and looked into his eyes and with a stern voice said “We don’t bite people”. His countenance fell and he started to cry. He got the message this time. It’s nice to see that he got it…now we will only need to reinforce it.