Day #329 (Sun., Nov. 28, 2010) – Poor Ole’ Rubic’s Cube…
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My wife had a Skype session with her mother this morning. Little Katie was on her lap, and when her mother started to sing little Katie started to clap. Isn’t Skype wonderful? And to think all this is “free”…

2:22pm – My wife and little Katie are both taking a nap. I’m up paying the bills and “whatever” else is on my plate right now.
Little Katie managed to get her little hands (or paws) on a Rubic’s Cube and has knawed the little labels off of it (see photo to the left). Now you don’t know which square is what… So much for trying to solve that puzzle… I plucked the plastic piece out of her mouth but didn’t know where it came from. My wife knew right away once she saw it.
9:00pm – Little Katie is a little “fussy mussy” tonight, so we’re taking her out for a drive. I picked up a large cup of coffee at McDonalds. There is a house on the parkway in which the owner really “puts on the dog” when it comes to Christmas tree lights. We saw him out the other day starting to put them up. We plan to swing by this evening and see what kind of progress he has made.
1) Little Katie finds another use for the Rubic’s cube.