Day #605 (Wed., Aug 31, 2011) – Towel Over The Night Stand
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I duct taped a towel over the night stand next to our bed this evening (see photo to the left). It doesn’t look great, but it will do the job. Katie has taken to jumping up and down on the bed, which is fine, but if she happens to slip she could knock her head on the night stand. This towel will help cushion the blow. When she gets a bit older and better coordinated we will take it off.
We are thinking about returning the weather radio that we bought a while back to Amazon. You can’t seem to regulate which alerts you get, and the alarm is so loud it would “wake the dead”. I don’t mind getting thrown out of bed if it is a real problem coming, but not for some “informational” message.
This evening my mother-in-law and I took Katie to the park near Lochmere. She still wanted the swing, but she did play in the sandbox and wander around a bit. We met this girl Rachel and she recognized us from living near Chatham Street. I guess that my wife has talked to her on her walks around our neighborhood.
1) I duct taped a towel over the night table for Katie.