Day #893 (Thu., June 14, 2012) – A Block For You To Feel Better

When I got home from work this evening my wife and Katie were out for a walk and I met them just outside the driveway to our house. My wife asked for a drive so they both got into the front seat and I drove them up and down the driveway a couple of times. Katie got a great kick out of it…you could see the joy in her eyes.

I’m coming down with a cold/flu. Perhaps I’m getting what Katie had. I went to bed soon after I got home from work.

2012-06-14 - Elaborate Blocks
2012-06-14 – Elaborate Blocks

My wife sent me an email later in the evening stating that she was finally able to put Katie to bed at 11:30pm. She had a #2 twice in the evening so perhaps that is why she was so fussy.

My wife also mentioned that she started hiccuping and Katie said “you have the hiccups”. She then brought her a purple block and said this is a block for you to feel better.

Katie’s “block creations” are getting more and more elaborate these days (take a look at the creation to the left). She is very particular about the color. Don’t even think of putting a shade of yellow or green on top of a block of a different shade of the same color.

1) Katie is getting much more creative in her block creations.