Day #698 (Fri., Dec 2, 2011) – The Inflatable Grinch
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Trader Joe’s run today. Had to get some goat’s milk primarily. We still have berries as Katie has not been eating a while lot the last few days.
Katie was fussy all day so we decided that we would take her out to see the Christmas lights this evening. Our first stop was at McDonald’s so that daddy could get a cup of coffee. Next step was to our annual stopping ground on Kilarney Drive. This gentleman has lights and figures all over his front yard that he sets to music. This year was an added attraction…the lights were in “sync” with the music. You can hear the music by tuning your car radio to 902.1FM. Of course we had to get out so that Katie could see the display and “touch” everything within her reach. She found all the lights and sounds fascinating. After all, she was very young when we saw this display last year.

Down the street from this house is an “also ran” house that is not quite as elaborate. Nonetheless they have a decoration that is my personal favorite…a Grinch that comes out of the chimney and then goes back into it again (see photo to the right). Kind of reminds me of the “Draken” display from Halloween where Dracula comes in and out of a coffin. Katie liked the action but I think I’m going to have to “rah rah rah” this display so that she will like it even more.
The next stop was to another annual Christmas haunt of ours…the farm on High House Road. This family has lights and figures and all sorts of Christmas ornaments all over their huge front yard…but no much. No matter…Katie enjoyed running around and seeing the display and “touching” whatever she could. You had to be careful on this lawn as there are various cords that attach the inflatable decorations into place. Katie fell down a number of times and got the hang of it towards the end. We could see her carefully looking where to place her feet as she stepped around the gingerbread houses. I added my support to the display by helping out some of the inflatable decorations that had fallen over. The fan was enough to keep them in place once they were upright…but not strong enough to actually inflate them as well.
1) Katie got to see the inflatable Grinch today.